To get to Okubo-ji Temple, No. 88 Yugansho, you can usually take a community bus from No. 87 Nagao-ji Temple or follow the pilgrim road along the road, but it takes 2 hours at the shortest, and 3-4 hours if you walk slowly. If so, you can take the route over the mountain that rises to the north of Okubo-ji Temple. From the top of Mt. Nyotai, you can not only look down on the city of Takamatsu, Yashima, and Mt. You will be able to engrave the memories of the final temple more strongly.
This time, we will take you to Okubo-ji Temple by community bus, and after visiting the temple, climb directly up the mountain behind it, take in the spectacular view from Mt.
11:10 JR造田駅 JR Zoda Station
11:12 さぬき市コミュニティバス Sanuki City Community Bus
1200 大窪寺前到着 Arrive at Okuboji-mae
1220 大窪寺本堂にお参りして出発 Depart after visiting the main hall of Okuboji Temple
12:23 奥の院への入り口から登っていく Climbing up from the entrance to Okunoin
12:28 こんな山道を登っていきます I will climb this mountain road
12:34 15分頑張れば大窪寺近辺を見下ろす見晴台に着きます。 If you do your best for 15 minutes, you will reach the observatory overlooking the area around Okuboji Temple.
12:36 少し登れば奥の院への分岐があり、そこを右に折れて登っていきます If you go up a little bit, you will find a branch to Okunoin, turn right and climb up.
12:45 10分頑張って登れば、目指す尾根道と同じ標高に来ました。 After climbing for 10 minutes, I reached the same altitude as the ridge road I was aiming for.
12:53 尾根道の林道に着きました I arrived at the forest road on the ridge road
林道を横切ってさらにあと5分最後の登りです。 It is the last climb after crossing the forest road for another 5 minutes.
12:57 女体山頂上の休憩所に着きました I arrived at the resting place at the top of the Nyotai mountaintop
そのすぐ先には女体山頂上の祠があり、その先の岩尾根からは瀬戸内海を展望できます。2月~3月の地上の蒸気の上がらない季節が霞がかからないので、海が真っ青に見えて、それはそれは絶景です。Immediately ahead is a shrine on the s ummit of Nyotai, and from the rocky ridge ahead, you can see the Seto Inland Sea. There is no haze in the season from February to March when steam does not rise above the ground, so the sea looks deep blue, which is a superb view.
屋島(第84番八島寺)も五剣山(第85番八栗寺)も、その間の屋島壇ノ浦の向こうには芸術島の豊島も見えています。 You can see Yashima (84th Yashima Temple), Gokenzan (85th Yaguriji Temple), and beyond Yashima Dannoura, the art island of Teshima.
西方にはおむすび山のようなさぬき富士もちょこんと頭を出しています。 Sanuki Fuji, which looks like Omusubi Mountain, also sticks its head out to the west.
右前方には小豆島も見渡せます You can also see Shodoshima Island in front of you on the right.
13:05 さあ、この下の里まで下っていきます。先の方に見えるのが前山ダムで、その左に道の駅ながおがあります。 時間のある方はそこまで歩いて地元産品を買い求めて、2時間に1本のバスの時間を待つといいでしょう。Now, let’s go down to this village. Maeyama Dam can be seen in the distance, and Roadside Station Nagao is on the left. If you have time, you can walk there to buy local products and wait for the bus that runs every two hours.
13:07 岩尾根の急こう配を数分降りて、降りてきた方を見返すと、その岩尾根はまるで龍の蛇腹のようです。なるほど、弘法大師様はここを登って八十八番に向かったのではないかと想像します。車道の遍路道だけ歩いているとわかりにくいのですが、この山越えルートで大窪寺に向かえば、やはりここは修験の道だと実感します。 After descending the steep slope of the rocky ridge for a few minutes and looking back at the way you came down, the rocky ridge looks like the bellows of a dragon. I see, I imagine that Kobo Daishi climbed here and headed for 88th. It’s hard to tell if you’re just walking along the pilgrimage road, but if you take this mountain-crossing route to Okubo-ji Temple, you’ll realize that this is the trail for ascetics.
この山道は谷なので椿がたくさん自生しています Because this mountain road is a valley, many camellias grow naturally.
13:17 尾根道から続く林道に合流し、また最短ルートの山道へ分岐します Join the forest road that continues from the ridge road and branch to the shortest mountain road.
13:23 ここが山道の終点で、ここからは林道を下っていきます。 This is the end of the mountain road, and from here we will go down the forest road.
13:29 香川大学農学部の研修所であった太郎兵衛館がありましたが、現在は廃館になっています。 There used to be a training center for the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University, called Tarobeikan, but it is now closed.
14:41 林道を下っていくと昼寝城の入り口があります。ここは東香川を支配していた寒川氏の居城だったところで、険しい山の上に城を築いていたので難攻不落の城でした。しかし、戦国時代の四国の雄、長曾我部氏に攻められてついに落城しました。その時に寒川のお殿様は山上城の桜の大木の上で昼寝をしていたと言われ、「昼寝城」と呼ばれ、ふもとより少し早い季節に城山に咲く桜を「昼寝の桜」と呼んできたそうです。でも実際は、敵に攻められて桜の木の上に隠れようとしていただけだとも言われています。この入口から急傾斜の小山を10分登れば山上の城跡に登れます。気候がいい時にはビールをもっていって、山上から瀬戸内海を眺めながら桜の花見と洒落たいものです。 If you go down the forest road, you will find the entrance to Napping Castle. This was the residence of the Samukawa clan who ruled Higashikagawa, and it was an impregnable castle because it was built on a steep mountain. However, it was attacked by the Chosokabe clan, the leader of Shikoku during the Warring States period, and finally fell. At that time, it is said that the lord of Samukawa was taking a nap on top of a large cherry tree in Yamagami Castle, so it was called ‘Nap Castle’, and the cherry blossoms that bloom on Shiroyama in a slightly earlier season than at the foot of the mountain were called ‘Nap cherry blossoms’. That’s right. However, it is said that he was actually just trying to hide on top of the cherry tree after being attacked by an enemy. If you climb a steep hill from this entrance for 10 minutes, you can reach the castle ruins on the mountaintop. When the weather is nice, I want to bring a beer and enjoy cherry blossom viewing from the top of the mountain overlooking the Seto Inland Sea.
5分下った林道から昼寝城を見上げますが、桜の季節も十日間ほど過ぎてしまっただけではなく、植林された杉に侵食されて、桜の山だった昼寝城もだいぶがっかりな眺めになっています。 Looking up at Nap Castle from the forest road five minutes down, not only has the cherry blossom season passed for about ten days, but the cedars that have been planted have eroded, and Nap Castle, which used to be a mountain of cherry blossoms, is a disappointing view. increase.
13:54 多和神社 Tawa Shrine
13:56 とても懐かしい雰囲気の前山の里 Maeyama Village with a very nostalgic atmosphere
14:08 大窪寺へ向かうバス道に出る。この道を200m下った場所に「山王バス停」があります。 Take the bus route to Okubo-ji Temple. There is a “Sanno bus stop” 200 meters down this road.
14:16 大窪寺14時発で下ってきたコミュニティバスにぴったり乗車できました。 I was able to get on the community bus that came down at 14:00 from Okuboji Temple.
13;35 JR造田駅着 11過ぎのスタートで約2時間半の駆け足登山ですが、八十八番札所で結願し、女体山の頂きで高松市街や瀬戸内海を見下ろす絶景を肴に缶ビール楽しめます。さらに行基が開いたという伝説の古窪(大窪寺の元々の場所)の地や、桜の名所の昼寝城、さらには時空を忘れさせる前山の里で春の花をめでながら、懐かしい風情を満喫できました。道の駅ながおでは地元産品を購入でき、向かいの遍路センターでのんびり帰りのバスを待つこともできます。是非、第八十八番大窪寺への隠れた遍路道をお試しください。 Arrive at JR Zoda Station It takes about 2 and a half hours to climb the mountain, starting at 11:00. In addition, you can enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere while enjoying the spring flowers at the legendary Kokubo (the original location of Okubo Temple), which is said to have been founded by Gyoki; rice field. At Michi-no-Eki Nagao, you can buy local products, and at the pilgrim center across the street, you can leisurely wait for your return bus. Please try the hidden pilgrimage road to the 88th Okubo Temple.